
Monday, January 10, 2011

The New Year and an Update on the WIP

Two weeks into the new year and it already feels like forever. And I'm not sure if I mean that in the good way or the bad way.

The new year also means that I am now less than 90 days until I attend my first writer's conference. To say that I am nervous is something of an understatement. I've been attempting to figure out what exactly to expect, but I'm starting to think that I'm not going to be prepared for it. Honestly, the idea of voluntarily going to a place jam packed with lots of other people (even other writer people) is scary. Have I ever mentioned that I strongly dislike crowds? No. Well it's true. Crowds actually kind of scare me. And here I am, excited about participating in an event designed to draw a crowd.

So where does my WIP stand in reference to this conference? Well I'm about half-way through my sixth draft, minus the really big changes. I just split a chapter into two chapters because it was just too bulky. So now it's split into chapters 8 and 9. my goal is to have this draft done by the end of January. Then I'm either going to do another draft myself, or possibly join a critique group through Writers Digest. I'm not sure yet. I know I need another set of eyes to look through the book, but I'm kind of limited on writer friends.

Another interesting bit about the novel; I now have over 71,000 words in it. This whole adding description and emotion and world-building stuff is actually kind of fun, and seriously beefs up the word count in a good way.

So my goals are as follows: Finish 6th draft by end of January. Finish 7th draft by end of March.

I'll let you know how I'm doing on these goals.

Now back to work.

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