
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Listy Wednesdays: TV Shows

It's Wednesday. You know what that means. I list something.

I like doing this because it's a way for you to get to know some info about me, but in a fun way.

Today I'm going to give you a list of my favorite TV shows. As always, these are in no particular order. I don't necessarily watch all of these all the time, particularly because many of them are no longer on TV, so don't think I'm just sitting around watching TV all day. ;)

2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
3. Stargate: Atlantis
4. Fringe
5. Star Trek: Deep Space 9
7. JAG
8. Stark Trek: Voyager
9. Stargate: SG-1
10. Warehouse 13
11. Eureka
12. Life (The one with Damian Lewis)
13. Castle
14. Once Upon a Time
15. Downton Abbey
16. Doctor Who
17. Sherlock
18. Elementary
19. Flashpoint (the Canadian cop drama)
20. Veronica Mars
21. Leverage
23. Covert Affairs
24. Firefly
25. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Value of Critiques

So last week I decided that I really needed to find some people to critique my novel before I started submitting it. Call it intuition, call it being scared out of my mind to start sending it out, call it whatever you want. Either way, I got my butt in gear and started looking for people who would want to partner with me and provide some feedback.

Turns out that it was a good idea on my part (getting critiques usually is). It looks like my novel needed a lot more work than I thought. And that is why I went looking for someone to critique it. Because I have spent so much time with the novel that I wasn't able to see it clearly any more and needed another pair of eyes (or two).

Of course, like any critique, there are some things that I don't necessarily agree with in the feedback I got. There are always suggestions that don't quite work with what I'm trying to do in the story or deviate too far from my goal. But overall, I found the suggestions very helpful. And very challenging.

I have some thinking to do as I decide how to dive into the next set of revisions on this novel.

Come back next time work Listy Wednesday.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Interview with Raelin Tabra

One the of the things I've really been struggling with is finding the voice for First Sight. I think I've mentioned before how much of a love/hate relationship I have with this book. Well, I really want to get it in good shape, so I'm working on it again (as I mentioned here). As such, I decided I needed to try and find Raelin's voice. I felt like that was one of the biggest things missing from the other drafts of the book. So I looked up some character interview questions online and found some good ones that I liked at this blog.

I really liked the results of the interview. It turned our to work a lot better than I expected and I feel like I got a much better sense of what Raelin sounds like. Because of that, I thought it would be fun to post the interview in this blog post. Maybe someone will find it interesting.

Note: this interview takes place before the events of the book. I figured that would be best since the inciting incident kind of changes everything Raelin knows about herself. I wanted to get to know her before everything in her world changes.


Who are you?
I'm Raelin Tabra. How can I help you?

I was just hoping to ask you a few questions. Do you mind?
That's fine. I'm not sure why you'd want to talk to me. Most people would rather talk to my mother or father.

Why is that?
Surely you know who they are? Cassara and Lenton Tabra? She's the most famous Seer in Alyona. He was the Emperor's personal Healer until shortly after they married and moved to our family home outside the capitol. Everyone knows who they are.

And everyone doesn't know who you are?
They probably know me too. Usually they forget I exist, until they see me with one of my parents.

Why's that?
You really don't know anything do you? I'm their unGifted daughter. The fact that two of the most powerfully Gifted Alyonians have a daughter who never Presents, it gets talked about. Except, they don't realize who I am unless they see me with my parents. So most of the time I go unnoticed.

Does that bother you?
Going unnoticed? Not usually. It means I don't have to deal with all the scrutiny that Caedan deals with. Since I'm not Gifted, I don't have to worry about living up to my parents greatness. I'd prefer to be unnoticed than have everyone staring and whispering.

What do you care about most in the world?
My family.

You answered that pretty quickly. Any particular reason?
My family is all I have.

You don't have any friends?
There are a few people I talk to when I go with Papa to market days, but other than that, not really. I think it is a side effect of being so unnoticed. I have Caedan. He and I spend a lot of time helping Papa in the garden. Most of the other people I know find me . . . unsettling. It is very rare for an unGifted child to be born to Gifted parents, so many people don't know how to interact with me.

Do you think that if you were Gifted you would be treated differently?
Of course. It's the way of our country. Those with Gifts are far more respected and sought after than those without. But I told you, I'm used to this treatment.

You don't seem used to it.
*she glares at me now* Do you have any other questions? If not I have things to do.

No I do. What really ticks you off?
I'm not sure there are many things that make me really angry. Injustice does make me mad though. And people preying on those too weak to defend themselves.

Do you think the way people treat you is unjust?
No. I'm not discriminated against. Those without Gifts have all the same rights and privileges as those with Gifts.

But you just said that people treat you differently because you aren't Gifted. How is that not discrimination?
Because my treatment isn't just because I am unGifted. It is because I am the unGifted daughter of Cassara and Lenton Tabra. I am not saying that there are not Gifted Alyonians who discriminate against unGifted Alyonians. I'm just saying that it is not the normal practice among those groups. My parents have always made it very clear that I am no less of a person because I don't have a Gift.

It sounds like you are upset by the way others treat you. You clearly don't like talking about it.
Since you have figured as much out, don't you think it would be wise to move on to a different question?

All right. If you could do one thing and really succeed at it, what would it be?
I would be as great of a Healer as my father. I love being able to help others, and Papa does so much good with his Gift. I can only hope that despite being unGifted I will be able to help as many people as he does.

Is it hard to be a Healer without a Gift?
There are many things you can't do as an unGifted Healer. You are limited to using herbs and natural remedies. Papa's Gift allows him to Heal more serious illnesses and injuries faster and easier than someone without a Gift can. But it's not impossible to be an unGifted Healer.

What people do you most admire, and why?
My father, because he is such a great Healer. He helped developed some of the best cures that we have. He was the Emperor's personal Healer for years.

So just your father? Anyone else?
Should there be someone else?

Nope. Just checking. What was your childhood like?
*she takes a deep breath* It was interesting. I spent the early part of it wondering when I would Present. Caedan Presented by the time he was three. My parents tried to treat me as normally as possible, but even they seemed confused when I hadn't Presented by the time I was ten. During that time, I had discovered that I greatly enjoyed working in the garden and helping Papa, so at that age, I began to formally train as a Healer. It took my mother a little longer to accept my choice but eventually she too accepted it. As I grew older, the expectations for me to Present lessened and I finally settled into my life as an unGifted Alyonian. Most people who knew my family stopped asking about my Gift by then, so I didn't have to deal with questions much past that age. Since then, I've worked to master everything I can about herbal Healing and gardening.

What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
It was a market day, so my whole family was at the market in the Merchant Quarter. There was a Gifted boy who often came around to buy herbal remedies for his sickly sister. I had become very fond of him and Caedan found out. That day, the boy came to our stall and he and I had struck up a conversation. Suddenly Caedan appeared and proceeded to tell the boy how much I loved him and that I wanted to marry him and have his children (I was twelve at the time). I was so embarrassed that I ran away and hid. I've never been able to speak to the boy again.

What do you look like?
I'm short. Most people believe I'm younger than I am because of how short I am. I have green eyes and long, dark, curly hair.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Listy Wednesdays

I liked making the list last Monday, so I've decided Wednesdays will be list days. Or they will be for as long as I can come up with things to make lists about.

Here's the next one: 25 of my favorite books in no particular order.

1. Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith
2. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
3. The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
4. The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
5. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis
6. Squire by Tamora Pierce
7. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
8. The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
9. The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
10. The Final Kingdom by Golbert Morris (The Seven Sleepers Series)
11. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
12. Cress by Marissa Meyer
13. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
14. Divergent by Veronica Roth
15. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
16. Miss Match by Erynn Mangum
17. Matched by Ally Condie
18. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
19. Heist Society by Ally Carter
20. The Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce
21. Sorcery and Cecelia by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
22. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
23. Thr3e by Ted Dekker
24. Legend by Mary Lu
25. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Monday, April 21, 2014

Adventures in Writing this Week

I wrote query letter. Actually I wrote about three or four, well drafts of the same one. You'd think it'd be easier to write one given that I used to write cover letters all the time. It wasn't. While the idea is similar, the execution is quite different. I don't even want to think about what it's going to be like to write a query for First Sight. At least I've always loved Alana. I can't say the same thing about First Sight.

I don't know how many examples of query letters I looked at. The problem is finding ones for my genre. You'd think with the popularity of YA it'd be easier to find example queries. Apparently more traditional fantasy still isn't huge though. Mostly I found examples for urban fantasy and dystopian. Oh well. I think I got it figured out.

Other than drafting a query letter, I've also begun rewriting First Sight again. It's going okay. Now that I think I have a better idea of how she sounds, I feel like the writing is going more smoothly. Of course, I thought that last time too, and it turned into a pain in the butt. Plus I've only gotten a few pages done since I was really busy with Easter week last week. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do some more writing on it this week.

Sorry this post is a little less focused than usual. I wasn't really sure what I should write about. Hopefully I'll have a better focus next week.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Most Effective Way to Keep Writing

I've found over the past years as I've worked on my writing that I don't always want to write. In fact, there are many times when I want nothing to do with sitting down at my computer and tapping at the keys to make words appear on a blank page. The idea is the least appealing thing on the planet. I feel that I have nothing to say, that the idea sucks, that it's not worth it.

In that time, I've tried a number of things to get myself past the issue, to get back to writing. I've tried taking a break and waiting for inspiration to hit. I've tried doing creativity-boosting things like listening to music or going for walks. I've tried procrastinating. I've tried just giving up. But the one thing that always seems to work is none of those things. Instead, I've found the most effective tool to keep me writing is just to force myself to keep writing.

Yep. The best way for me to meat whatever writing goal I have is to just force myself to meet it, no matter what. Even when I absolutely hate what I'm writing, I have to keep writing, because that's the only way words are going to get on the page. There's no special trick or gimmick for me. It's just a matter of sitting down and doing it.

Of course, there's usually a couple of things that make this a little easier for me. First, I have to have a goal of some kind or another. Whether it's a certain number of pages or words each day for a set number of days, I have to have it. I've found that I just don't work well without a goal and a set time frame in which to achieve it.

Another thing I need is to have most of my plan worked out. I need to know what I'm trying accomplish and what my basic outline is. If I don't have those things, I get lost and I lose steam quickly. Nothing derails me faster than getting lost in the writing with no idea where I'm going.

So that's what works for me. What works for you?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Query Work

I've been trying to work on a query letter lately. Unfortunately, I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to focus it. Or rather how to write a good hook for it.

It's not that I don't know how to describe my story. I know what my story is about, but I'm trying to figure out the best way to introduce the concept. From what I understand, portal stories are notoriously hard to sell. This is something I've known for almost as long as I've seriously wanted to pursue publication for this particular book. I know that a lot of agents and editors might find it hard to get behind the story. Which is why I know it's very important to hook them early, and show them how great the story really is, even if it is a portal story.

But how do you get them to get past the fact that it's a portal story? At first I thought that describing Alana as a totally normal teen would be a good draw, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that her story isn't about a normal teen getting thrown into fantastical circumstances. That's certainly part of it, but in revising the story, I realized it's more about her overcoming her fear of conflict. It's about her going from being a perpetual flee-er of conflict to someone who will stand up for others, even though it's probably going to hurt her in the end.

Since I spent so much time thinking the story was about a normal girl in extraordinary circumstances, I've never given much thought to how to describe this new idea in terms of a query letter and a hook. So I'm working on how to pitch this idea in a compelling way. I haven't had a lot of success yet, but I've also been really sick lately, so I haven't gotten to work on it as much as I'd like to. Hopefully when I actually sit down to work on it, it will come out right.

Then I just have to find someone to critique it for me. *sigh*

Monday, April 14, 2014

My Favorite Writing Things

I decided it's time for a list post. (To be honest I'm having trouble coming up with a topic for this post, so you get this list instead). Here is a list of 25 of my favorite things that have to do with my writing in some way.

1. Writing
2. Reading
3. Music
4. Stories
5. World creation
6. Character creation
7. Plot twists
8. Writing sarcastic comebacks
9. Researching other cultures
10. Greek mythology
11. Notebooks
12. Inspiration
13. New pens
14. What if?
15. Magic systems
16. Backstory
17. Happy endings
18. Physical descriptions
19. Horses
20. Adventure
21. Sword fights
22. Chemistry (between characters)
23. Brainstorming
24. Castles
25. Mysterious strangers (in stories only)

There you go. 25 of my favorite (and random) writing-related things.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why I Love Fantasy

My love of fantasy wasn't always as strong as it is today. I think I've always liked it, but it wasn't until I was in middle school that I really fell in love with the genre. Still, even as a little kid I loved the magical elements of fantasy.

One of the first fantasy books I remember reading was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. It remains one of my all time favorite books and I count it as one of the main influences on my writing today. I think it's the first book that really introduced me to what fantasy could be. Other worlds and great adventures, magic and sword fights, great evil and greater good. So many of the big things that I love about fantasy. I don't know how many times I read and reread that book. So many that I almost had it memorized. I actually still have bits and pieces of it burned into my brain. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

There's something so incredible about fantasy. I'm not sure I can even describe why I love it so much. Maybe it's because when you write fantasy there so much creation involved. You're not just making up the characters and the story line. You're making up entire worlds with their own rules and ways of doing things. And all of those things influence how your story turns out. Every aspect of a fantasy world interacts and influences every other aspect. You get to decide how cultures interact with each other, what those cultures are, and how that influences that way your characters think. That in turn influences why your characters do the things they do and even what they can and can't do. You make up all those rules and so many more.
And that's not even counting magic (if your fantasy world has it) and how that impacts everything else in the world. It's so amazing and I love every part of it.

I'm not saying there's not a lot of creation that goes into other types of stories. There absolutely is. I don't think any one genre is better or more complicated than another. It takes an incredible amount of time and dedication to create any story world, whether you're basing it here in our world or creating and completely new one for it.

But for me, the most interesting and exciting genre is fantasy. I just love it, all those possibilities. The ability to rewrite the rules any way you want. The joy of creating everything from the ground up. It's amazing and I'm not sure I'll ever get enough of it.

So do you like fantasy? If so, why? Or are you more drawn to another genre? What other genre do you prefer and why?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Life Getting in the Way Again

My life (more specifically my health) seems like it's out to ruin my . . . well, life. Okay that doesn't seem to make sense, but whatever. After yesterday, I'm not sure much makes sense to me right now. Right now I'm just super pissed at my body for being stupid.

I think this is the point that I should probably explain.

I had a bit of a scare yesterday. I've been sick all weekend and stuck at home. Yesterday I was finally getting out of the house to go to a meeting for a mission trip I'm taking this summer (to Guatemala. I can't wait!). On the way, for some not-completely-clear reason my body decided that I needed to blackout. This was particularly problematic since I was driving at the time. Oh and alone in the car.

Thankfully I was still conscious enough that I eventually managed to pull over to the side of the road, though I'm pretty sure it's a miracle that I didn't wind up hitting another car. God was definitely protecting me.

After I pulled over, a kind woman stopped and checked on me. Also a police office. An ambulance was called, I was taken to the ER. After three hours and a few tests, turns out I'm fine. Probably just dehydrated. Which apparently doesn't combine well with my naturally low blood pressure. At least that's what the doctor thinks. Not that they are ever sure of anything when it comes to my health.

Still, it was probably one of the scariest experiences of my life. I'd prefer to never, ever repeat it.

Now I'm just trying to get back to normal. My health has always kind of been an issue and seems to complicate my life (both writing and otherwise). I've always to just be healthy, but that's never really been an option for me. Even when things seem totally fine, I'm dealing with some health-related thing. It kind of sucks.

Anyway, that was my weekend. I'll try to write something about writing next time.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Why I Stuck a Fork in It

That title came to me so much faster than it should have. Why can't I come up with a title for Alana that easily?

Anyway, to my point. How do you know a story is finished? That is something I've been trying to figure out with Alana. As I said in my previous post, I think Alana is pretty much done, but I'm not totally sure. I am terrible at judging my own writing.

I'm pretty sure that this is where other people would say that your critique partners come in. Seeing as I don't have any (I've unsuccessfully tried to find CPs multiple times. Inevitably the relationships have just fallen apart. No one's fault, they just haven't lasted), I can't really comment on that. I have had a few people read the book. One of my close friends who is also really particular about their reading material and I trusted to give me an honest opinion gave me some great insight, which I used in the fourth draft. But she's not a writer, so it's still hard to know if the book is done.

Still, after going through and doing a fourth draft, I really feel like it's done or as done as I can make it on my own. Why, you ask. Well, because on this run through, though I did find things that needed some changing, and I added some more small scenes, overall, I felt that the story was told. There didn't seem to be anything missing after the additions I made. It felt complete and cohesive to me at this point. I added far less on this go around than I have on any other draft (while I'm calling it a fourth draft, for this particular book, it's actually something like the 15th. This is just the fourth draft aft a complete rewrite of the entire thing a couple years ago). And while I'm sure I will always find things that I could change, overall, I really like the story and the way I've told it. I feel like it's good and might even be ready to be seen by the outside world.

So I've decided that I want to start submitting it. Which means I have a ton of research to do. And a query letter to write. And I need to write up basic outlines of the other two books in the series. And anything else that I might need to come up with for submitting purposes. Oy. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner over there.

Better get to work.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What's Going with My Writing

Despite the long break between posts, I have still been writing. I'm sure that y'all are desperately wondering what I've been working on, so I thought I'd put you out of your misery and tell you.

Basically I'm still working on the same two stories that I was last time you saw me. They've just progressed some. My life has a way of getting in the way sometimes, so I haven't gotten too terribly far, but I have made real progress I feel on both First Sight and my other book (Alana), which I'm thinking of calling The Hero Card.

First Sight isn't much further along than it was when I last posted. Yes, I realize that that was over a year ago and that I'm a major slacker. To be fair though, in that time, I also put in major work on Alana, got a promotion at work, started working on another concept that completely fell apart, and got laid off from work (don't worry, I got another job eventually). I had a busy year. But, a couple of months ago, I did manage to pretty much finish a second draft of it (thanks to being laid off actually). I also realized that while I love the idea, I'm still struggling with the story itself. I think it's mostly cause I'm not sure I've totally found Raelin's voice yet. There's something still off about the story and I'm just not sure what it is. So I've set it aside again to focus on Alana instead.

As for what's going on with Alana, well. I recently finished a fourth draft that I'm having a friend do a line edit of. I'm pretty sure that it may be as finished as I can make it at this point. So unless my friend comes back and tells me I have some major issues still to work out, then I'm thinking I'm going to start submitting to agencies and see if anyone likes it enough to want to represent me.

Of course, now that I've written that down, something is going to happen and my plans will be derailed, since that seems to be my fate when it comes to my writing. We'll see and I'll let you know.

In the mean time, I have a ton of research to start doing. Oh and I need to write a cover letter draft. Which I then should really find someone to critique, but since I can't seem to find or keep any critique partners, I'm not sure that will happen. *sigh* Oh well, I have to try.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my writing at the moment.

See you next time.