
Monday, April 7, 2014

Life Getting in the Way Again

My life (more specifically my health) seems like it's out to ruin my . . . well, life. Okay that doesn't seem to make sense, but whatever. After yesterday, I'm not sure much makes sense to me right now. Right now I'm just super pissed at my body for being stupid.

I think this is the point that I should probably explain.

I had a bit of a scare yesterday. I've been sick all weekend and stuck at home. Yesterday I was finally getting out of the house to go to a meeting for a mission trip I'm taking this summer (to Guatemala. I can't wait!). On the way, for some not-completely-clear reason my body decided that I needed to blackout. This was particularly problematic since I was driving at the time. Oh and alone in the car.

Thankfully I was still conscious enough that I eventually managed to pull over to the side of the road, though I'm pretty sure it's a miracle that I didn't wind up hitting another car. God was definitely protecting me.

After I pulled over, a kind woman stopped and checked on me. Also a police office. An ambulance was called, I was taken to the ER. After three hours and a few tests, turns out I'm fine. Probably just dehydrated. Which apparently doesn't combine well with my naturally low blood pressure. At least that's what the doctor thinks. Not that they are ever sure of anything when it comes to my health.

Still, it was probably one of the scariest experiences of my life. I'd prefer to never, ever repeat it.

Now I'm just trying to get back to normal. My health has always kind of been an issue and seems to complicate my life (both writing and otherwise). I've always to just be healthy, but that's never really been an option for me. Even when things seem totally fine, I'm dealing with some health-related thing. It kind of sucks.

Anyway, that was my weekend. I'll try to write something about writing next time.

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