
Friday, April 18, 2014

Most Effective Way to Keep Writing

I've found over the past years as I've worked on my writing that I don't always want to write. In fact, there are many times when I want nothing to do with sitting down at my computer and tapping at the keys to make words appear on a blank page. The idea is the least appealing thing on the planet. I feel that I have nothing to say, that the idea sucks, that it's not worth it.

In that time, I've tried a number of things to get myself past the issue, to get back to writing. I've tried taking a break and waiting for inspiration to hit. I've tried doing creativity-boosting things like listening to music or going for walks. I've tried procrastinating. I've tried just giving up. But the one thing that always seems to work is none of those things. Instead, I've found the most effective tool to keep me writing is just to force myself to keep writing.

Yep. The best way for me to meat whatever writing goal I have is to just force myself to meet it, no matter what. Even when I absolutely hate what I'm writing, I have to keep writing, because that's the only way words are going to get on the page. There's no special trick or gimmick for me. It's just a matter of sitting down and doing it.

Of course, there's usually a couple of things that make this a little easier for me. First, I have to have a goal of some kind or another. Whether it's a certain number of pages or words each day for a set number of days, I have to have it. I've found that I just don't work well without a goal and a set time frame in which to achieve it.

Another thing I need is to have most of my plan worked out. I need to know what I'm trying accomplish and what my basic outline is. If I don't have those things, I get lost and I lose steam quickly. Nothing derails me faster than getting lost in the writing with no idea where I'm going.

So that's what works for me. What works for you?

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