
Monday, January 5, 2015

2014: My Year in Writing

So the end of 2014 passed without much writing going on. Things got busy at work, I got lazy, and my hands kept being problematic. I fought severe pain off and on for pretty much all of December. As such, didn't really get much writing done.

That was also the reason for the lack of posts, along with just being crazy busy all the time with work and family and friends.

I guess I should review what I did accomplish writing-wise in 2014 though, cause I got a decent amount done.

First, I finished the crappy second draft of First Sight. Which is actually a big deal considering I really hated that thing when I finished the first draft. I'm still not totally in love with it, but I think there is a gem of a story buried in there somewhere and I'd really like to find it some day. There's still a lot of detritus to get through before that happens, but the bones are pretty good, so I have hope for it in the future.

The second half of the year saw me working to get Alana in better shape with a fifth draft. I am only about half done with that, but that's still pretty good considering I completely rewrote the beginning at least twice and had to rewrite several other large chunks. I feel like it's going well and have hope that it will be a decent novel soon.

So what are my plans for 2015? Well, I always hesitate to put those into writing. I suppose because so often I allow things to get in the way and never quite meet my goals. But maybe I should break that bad habit and actually start writing down goals and seeing if people will keep me accountable for them. Maybe then I'll actually get published. So I guess I'll try that now. (Though I don't currently have any one to hold me accountable. A girl can dream).

So goals. Well, first is to finish the fifth draft of Alana. I'd also love to get a sixth fully polished draft done at some point. Additionally, I'd like to get a third draft of First Sight done. And I'd also like to grow this blog and get a few more followers. Maybe even find a permanent crit partner who I can exchange drafts or weekly writing amounts with.

That's my wish list at least. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, I'm going to make some changes to the blog. Namely I don't think I'll be doing Listy Wednesdays anymore. I'll think of something to fill Wednesdays, but for now I'll just post on Mondays and Fridays.

Until then.

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