
Friday, May 23, 2014

Character Ideas: Part II

This week, I'll tell you where I got the idea for Raelin.

I actually kind of hate the story of where I got the idea for Raelin because it's a little similar to the story of another author of a rather well known set of books about sparkly undead creatures. (Yes. I'm being vague on purpose.) If that doesn't tell you where I got the idea, well. I don't know. Keep reading. Actually, keep reading anyway.

So the idea for Raelin came to me (cringe) in a dream. This is, in fact, the only time in my entire life this has ever happened. Which is a little odd since I have rather vivid and strange dreams that I remember long after I've had them (I still remember dreams I had when I was 10). Despite my propensity for strange dreams, I had never gotten a story idea from one. Until I dreamed about Raelin.

Since the dream was rather different than the ultimate story, I'll go ahead and tell you about it. In the dream there was a girl who kept having visions about another girl she was searching for. She was accompanied on this search by a guy that she was both annoyed with and attracted to. The majority of the dream took place in a tavern where the girl and her guy companion were being attacked by people who didn't want them to find the person they were seeking. There were green laser beams and over turned tables involved. After a while, I woke up.

I'm not sure, but I think I immediately knew that I could use this dream as a starting point for a story. It was obviously going to be from the searching girl's perspective. A lot of the details changed, and in the final story there are no green laser beams. But the bones of the story are there.

That is I got the idea for Raelin. She literally came to me in a dream.

Next week I'll talk about where I get ideas for non-MCs, like love interests and minor characters.

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