
Friday, May 2, 2014

Emotional Writing

One of the biggest things I've struggled with as a writer is allowing my characters to show their emotions. It's something that I am continually working on. Probably because emotions aren't exactly my strong suite, in writing or in real life.

I've never been the best at expressing how I feel. I'm what some people call a stuffer and others call a bottler. Something happens and I take everything I'm feeling, good or bad, and I shove it down inside where people can't see it. I try very hard to make sure people don't see when I'm upset or mad or annoyed or anything. I also try very hard to simply not feel those things. I'm a bit weird like that. Showing or feeling emotion wasn't terribly highly encouraged in my family, so I just learned to not do it.

The problem is that this has made it hard for me to get emotional in my writing. I've been told that sometimes my writing comes off as too detached. This is particularly problematic since I tend to write in first person an that means you should be privy to all my character's thoughts and emotions.

I'm working on it though. Hopefully as I work with critique partners I can conquer this terrible detachment and get to the heart of my characters.

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