
Friday, February 13, 2015

30 Things: Question 12

12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
I start most days at 6am. Getting up, I go through my typical morning routine of getting ready for the day. I get up, take a shower, fix my hair (which generally just consists of either spraying some curling gel in it or pulling it into a ponytail. No fancy hairdos here.), and then go downstairs to eat breakfast. I usually don't need to be at work until a little before 9am, so I spend the next couple of hours getting my things together for work (making lunch, etc.) and doing a few relaxing things. I will work on my Spanish (I'm trying to beef up my Spanish skills since I'm going to Guatemala in June), write, pay bills, or watch some TV.

At 8:30 I leave for work. My work day is usually pretty basic. I do internet research for products that my company is getting ready to source and sell, so I spend most of my day reading various websites about whatever product I'm currently researching. I find out what makes a good product, then I find out what customers like or dislike about that type of product and about various competitor's products in the same category. Occasionally I have meetings with my boss to explain what I've found or help discuss what features we want in our product when we source it. I usually leave around 5pm.

After work, my evenings vary depending on the day of the week. Some nights, I'm home by myself so I grab some dinner and do some blogging/writing before watching a little TV and heading to bed. Other nights my husband and I have church meetings to go to. On nights that we don't have other things to do, we usually eat dinner together, then spend time relaxing by watching TV and talking. Then we go to bed around 9:30pm.

As you can see, my life is incredibly action packed. Not.

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