
Friday, March 6, 2015

30 Things Question 15

15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

This is an oddly hard question for me to answer, mostly because there are three different animals I would gravitate towards and I can’t decide which one I would pick above the others. I guess I could just tell you all three.

First, there is a horse, mostly cause I just love horses. They’re so beautiful and graceful and I love pretty much everything about them.

Second, there’s a wolf. Again, super majestic and cool animal. I like dogs in general, but wolves are awesome because they are hunters but also pack animals and are pretty intelligent. They have a super tight family and I like that. And all of them help take care of the cubs and raise them, which is also cool.

Third, there is a cat of some kind or another. Cat’s aren’t my favorite animal, but they are still kind of awesome, especially the big hunting cats like leopards and tigers. They are graceful, powerful, agile, generally smart. That and Kat is something my family has called me for basically my entire life, so it just seems to fit. Oh, and cats basically rule the world (or the internet) so there’s that too.

What animal would you be if you could be one? Why? Tell me down in the comments.

See you next week for the next review of the Librarians.

Until then.

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