
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Writing Prompt Wednesday - Sudden Wealth

Welcome back to Writing Prompt Wednesday. This week, I decided to see about using a prompt from a random prompt generator I found online. You can find the generator here (

Prompt: She had found something that would mean she'd never be poor again - but there was a catch


She had found something that would mean she'd never be poor again - but there was a catch: if she used it, it could destroy the world.

It didn’t look like it could be the answer to all her hopes and dreams, or the greatest danger she’d ever encountered, but appearances could be deceiving. The box was small, unobtrusive. Plain wood and simple looking. BUt inside was the Gem of Alara. The single most powerful ,magical object in the known world. And she’d found it, in a box at an estate sale. Surely this was sign.

Glancing around, she checked to see if anyone had seen what she’d seen. None of the other browsers near her seemed to be aware of anything. Releasing a small sign of relief, she tucked the box into a stack of ancient-looking dish towels and headed toward the kitchen. She was a maid after all and no one would think twice at a maid going to the kitchen.

She’d just placed her hand on the handle of the door when a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. “I know what you found,” a deep male voice hissed near her ear, “I won’t say a word, but you have to help me get it out of here.”

She swallowed, and glanced up. Standing over her was man she didn’t recognize. Tlal with dark hair, he had the bearing of a lord but the clothing of a servant. “Who are you?” she hissed.

“Someone who wants to prevent that object falling into the wrong hands. And those wrong hands are here at this sale. I can get you out of here, but if you don’t come with me now, I won’t be able to protect you.”

She swallowed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She looked up again and saw a frown cross the man’s face.

“Yes you do. I know you are aware of what’s in that box. I need you to let me have it so I can get it out of here.”

“Even if what you said was true,” she replied, “Why would I give you my best chance of making a living for myself.”

“Because if you don’t, that man over there will kill us, take the Gem and move on to destroy the rest of the world.”


Well that got really interesting. There might be a story there. I may have to keep this one for future projects.

I love when a writing prompt leads to the possibility of an actual story.

What’s the most interesting story you’ve gotten out of a writing prompt? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Friday we get more 30 Things.

Until then.

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