
Monday, November 17, 2014

Writing Update

This is going to be short, since I haven't gotten much writing done in the past week.

The reason is because I got stuck when trying to calculate the difference in time passing between my two worlds. I wasn't sure I was calculating it correctly so I had to have a friend help me develop a formula so I could ensure consistency and help me figure out the timing for things that happened prior to the beginning of my book.

This actually turned out to be important because it will massively impact the play of events in the upcoming books. There's a few things that rely heavily on Alan not knowing about magic before she gets to Mascar, so figuring out how much time would need to pass for that to be realistic is important. And since that also affects how much time has passed in Mascar and their history, it required some thinking on my part.

Much thanks to my friend who came up with the formula. It's very helpful and surprisingly simple. Having friends who are better at math than I am is very beneficial.

Okay, this was longer than I expected. On Wednesday, I think I'll have a list for you and on Friday more 30 things.

Until then.

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