
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Listy Wednesday: Places I've Been Part II

Today, I continue my series on the places I've been. This time, I'm going to list the states that I've been to. This will include ones I've driven through but not necessarily stayed in. It won't include the ones I've flown over. Enjoy!

1. Texas
2. Missouri
3. Colorado
4. Minnesota
5. Oklahoma
6. Kansas
7. Arkansas
8. Mississippi
9. Alabama
10. Georgia
11. Tennessee
12. Kentucky
13. Ohio
14. Illinois
15. Indiana
16. Pennsylvania
17. Virginia
18. New Mexico
19. West Virginia

As you can see, I've been all over the Mid West, and throughout the South, but not many other places. I've never been West of the Rockies. That's something I hope to fix one day.

Next week I'll list all the (major-ish) cities I've been too, both domestically and internationally.

Until then.

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