
Monday, August 25, 2014

Writing Update: So Close to Done

I got a decent amount of writing done last week, so I'm now at a little over 47k words. I also have about four or five scenes left to rewrite in the draft. That means, I'll hopefully be over 50K by the time I'm done. Which is awesome, since the first draft was so short. Still, 50K is pretty short for a fantasy novel. Although, I already know I'm going to do at least one more draft of this novel, since I think there are some scenes I need to add to the beginning and I need to adjust some things in the middle to make them make more sense.

One good thing about this draft is that it helped me discover the theme of this novel. I know theme is a big thing in novels, but I've found that the couple of time I've tried to write with a particular theme in mind, it hasn't quite worked out right. First Sight actually started out with a sort of theme about truth and lies and how they interact. But as I was working on this draft, I realized that that theme wasn't really working. Maybe because I didn't know what I was trying to say about it, or maybe because it was too nebulous. Or maybe something else all together.

In the end, I realized about 3/4 of the way through this draft that the theme of First Sight is actually trust. Trust in oneself, trust in others. Which is an interesting thing to explore when one of your characters always knows when someone's lying. I found myself thinking about how something like that might affect a person's ability to trust others, particularly if they suddenly found that they couldn't use their lie-detecting on someone they were supposed to work closely with.

Knowing this makes me need to rethink a lot of my two MC's interactions. Which is one of the reasons I know First Sight will be getting at least one more draft.

Okay, that's all I've got today. Come back Wednesday for Listy Wednesday.

Until then.

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